Monday, January 31, 2022

U.S. Inflation Shows More Staying Power After Hitting 7% in 2021

  • CPI will remain close to 7% for a few months, Wells Fargo says
  • Persistently high prices ramp up pressure on Fed, Biden to act

U.S. consumer prices are likely to extend their eye-popping gains after soaring last year by the most in nearly four decades, further burdening Americans and ramping up pressure on policymakers to act.

The consumer price index climbed 7% in 2021, the largest 12-month gain since June 1982, according to Labor Department data released Wednesday. The widely followed inflation gauge rose a faster-than-expected 0.5% over the month. Investors took a relatively sanguine view of the data, which were broadly in line with expectations.

Though many economists anticipate inflation to moderate to around 3% over the course of 2022, consumers are likely months away from a meaningful respite, especially as the omicron variant of the coronavirus worsens labor shortages and prevents goods from reaching store shelves.

If signs fail to materialize that inflation is moderating, Federal Reserve policymakers could be forced to embark on a steeper path of interest-rate hikes and balance-sheet shrinkage. It would also make it even tougher for President Joe Biden and Democrats to retain their congressional majorities in November’s midterm elections or pass their tax-and-spending package.

“The breadth of gains in recent months gives inflation inertia that will be difficult to break,” said Sarah House, senior economist at Wells Fargo & Co. “We expect the CPI to remain close to 7% the next few months.”

The report did offer some comfort to American families. Energy prices fell last month for the first time since April, and food prices -- while still rising -- moderated somewhat as the cost of meat fell. Biden said that reflected “progress” from his administration while acknowledging there’s more work to be done

Workers’ wages are simply not keeping up. Despite a slew of robust pay raises last year as businesses sought to fill a multitude of open positions, inflation-adjusted wages were down 2.4% in December from a year earlier.

Whether inflation falls as expected will depend on supply chains normalizing and energy prices leveling off. However, higher rents, robust wage growth, subsequent waves of Covid-19, and lingering supply constraints all pose upside risks to the inflation outlook.

While moderation is expected in some categories like vehicle prices and apparel, there’s “no particular reason to expect much of a cooling for the rest of the core,” Stephen Stanley, chief economist at Amherst Pierpont Securities LLC, said in a note.

“Sure, there will be goods categories that cool off once supply bottlenecks begin to ease later this year, but at the same time, the pressure from wages to prices is only going to ramp up,” Stanley said.

Omicron is poised to further disrupt already-fragile supply chains, due in part to quarantines and illness that have prevented many people from working. It’s also curbed demand for services like dining out. Bloomberg Economics’ daily gross domestic product tracker suggests activity was down sharply in the first week of 2022.

With omicron hitting the supply side of the economy through staffing, “inventory levels are likely to take even longer to normalize as a result, keeping upward pressure of goods prices through the year,” House said. That’s likely to be coupled with stronger services inflation, she said.

Last year, the increase in the CPI was largely due to high goods inflation. Excluding food and energy, the agency’s price index of goods surged 10.7% last year, the largest 12-month advance since 1975. Services costs climbed 3.7%.

The annual jump in U.S. goods prices was the largest since 1975, outpacing services

But this year, economists expect service inflation to pick up steam as housing costs become a main driver of inflation.

Shelter costs, which were already one of the largest contributors to December’s gain, are expected to accelerate this year, offering an enduring tailwind to inflation. Other gauges of home prices and rents surged last year, but the full extent of those increases has yet to be reflected in the government’s measure.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

The First Round Of Rental Assistance Reallocation Is Here And It's Underwhelming


Cities and states have accelerated their distribution of Emergency Rental Assistance funds, leaving less extra money than expected in the pool for those who need it most.

The Treasury Department announced the first round of reallocations under the ERA program on Jan. 7, with $1.1B to change hands from jurisdictions that couldn’t or wouldn’t send their respective chunks of federal funding to those who either have run out of funds or will soon. The vast majority of the reallocations, about $875M, come in the form of voluntary transfers within individual states.

Only the first pool of ERA funds, just under $24B when accounting for administrative spending, was eligible to be reallocated, the announcement stated. Further reallocations from the ERA1 pool, as the agency labeled it, are forthcoming over the next few months, with the next deadline for requests being Jan. 21. The process of reallocating the second pool of rental assistance funds, or ERA2, is not legally allowed to begin until March 31.

The largest single transfer of funds was the state of North Dakota returning $149M of the $352M it received from ERA1 to the federal pool, which did not include any cities or counties within North Dakota among the reallocation recipients. North Dakota officials explained the decision by noting that a huge portion of the 120,000 renters in the state were not aware of the program, the Grand Forks Herald reports.

The most significant transfers of funds were from states to some of their largest jurisdictions. The highest dollar transfer came in Indiana, with the state transferring more than $91M to the city of Indianapolis. Wisconsin gave the cities of Milwaukee and Madison $61M and $35M respectively, with another $50M going to Milwaukee County. Nebraska gave the cities of Omaha and Lincoln $50M and $30M respectively, while Arizona sent $39M to Phoenix’s Maricopa County and Louisiana sent over $34M to New Orleans.

Of the money distributed directly by the Treasury Department to states, counties, and cities, the state of California was the biggest beneficiary, receiving over $50M. New York, where ERA distribution was notoriously slow to get off the ground, received $27M, while New Jersey, which fared considerably better, received $42M.

Only 21 jurisdictions had funds involuntarily recaptured by Treasury: seven states, 13 counties, and one city. The agency prioritized jurisdictions with demonstrated need within the same state when deciding where to reallocate those recaptured funds, but no data was publicly released laying out where exactly those funds wound up, unlike voluntary transfers within states. The Treasury Department declined to comment on the reallocation process beyond the press release, it told Bisnow through a representative.

The state of Idaho had $33M recaptured, while the only in-state recipients on Treasury’s list, the city of Boise and Ada County, received $7.2M and $3.7M, respectively. The rest of the recaptured $33M, the largest sum in the list of involuntary recaptures presumably went out of state.

Delaware, Montana, Ohio, South Dakota, Vermont, and West Virginia were the other states from which Treasury recaptured ERA money, with Laredo, Texas, being the only city to have funds recaptured in that fashion. Counties that had funds recaptured included Tuscaloosa in Alabama, five Texas counties, and New Jersey’s Union County, which sits across the Hudson River from New York and counts the key port city of Elizabeth as its largest municipality.

Only jurisdictions that requested additional funding and had obligated over 65% of their ERA1 allocations by the first application deadline of Oct. 15 were eligible to receive reallocations, and Treasury used both demonstrated need and effectiveness in spending ERA1 funding to prioritize recipients. But it couldn’t even come close to meeting the need in some jurisdictions.

The city of Philadelphia asked for $400M in reallocation funds based on the number of applicants and the average payout, which has been about $11K per applicant, said Rachel Mulbry, an assistant program manager for the Philadelphia Housing Development Corp. tasked with overseeing the city’s distribution. Treasury reallocated $8.4M to the city, which it has yet to receive, Mulbry and PHDC CEO David Thomas told Bisnow.

“The information we received from Treasury is that they anticipate us receiving the funding in the coming weeks,” Mulbry said.

The same day the reallocation data was released, Philly was forced to close its rental assistance application portal due to a lack of funds. Only a small portion of those who already applied will wind up getting assistance, even with the extra $8M, which would cover about 750 applicants at an average of $11K per household.

“It seemed unfair to have people’s expectations out there looking for relief when we couldn’t provide it,” Thomas said. “We were hoping not to close, and we were hoping legislators would figure out how to reallocate more funds, but it just hasn’t materialized.”

Even if Philly were to somehow receive the entire $400M it requested, it likely wouldn’t meet the demand if the city program were to reopen, though PHDC would probably attempt to open it if it received such a sum, Thomas said.

The divide between the need for rental assistance and the available funds still looms over the horizon, even as jurisdictions set a new high-water mark for money sent out the door in the month of November, according to Treasury data. Using November data to project forward, the agency estimates that $25B to $30B was distributed to tenants by the end of last year from the combined $46B available from ERA1 and ERA2.

The nature of the federal coronavirus relief packages was to treat the economic conditions caused by the pandemic as an acute crisis that demanded short-term funding to see people through to the other side. Though the economy has not shut back down through the emergence of the variants, the lost income that catching the disease could cause are still immediate dangers to housing stability, said Michael Spotts, a senior visiting research fellow at the Urban Land Institute’s Terwilliger Center of Housing. That includes unexpected burdens like remote learning when families don’t have daytime childcare options.

“People might have exhausted the minimal savings they had or taken on more debt to pay rent,” said Spotts, who authored a research report published in December for ULI about housing stability and the rental market. “The pre-existing conditions that contribute to [housing] insecurity will likely have worsened for a lot of people. So there will be a continued need for emergency rental assistance for people who suffer shocks going forward.”

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Chart: US Apartment Sector Momentum Across Markets


The U.S. apartment sector has experienced a rebound in both deal volume and asset pricing, but the performance varies across markets. The strongest growth in asset pricing tends to be concentrated in the Non-Major Metros, as shown in the chart below.

The simple average of annual price growth in the Non-Major Metros outpaced that of the 6 Major Metros in Q3 2021. Across the non-major areas, the average price growth stood at 14.8% while that across the 6 Major Metros averaged 4.5%.

In the 6 Major Metros, there is a loose relationship between the rebound in the pace of sales of individual buildings — the bedrock of the market — and subsequent price growth. Even with a triple-digit rebound in sales volume, some of these markets were still experiencing price declines in the third quarter. Markets such as San Francisco and Manhattan have faced stronger headwinds.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Deferred Sales Trusts: A Real Estate Tax Strategy

What is a deferred sales trust?

A deferred sales trust is a method used to defer capital gains tax when selling real estate or other business assets that are subject to capital gains tax. Instead of receiving the sale proceeds at closing, the money is put into a trust and only taxed as the funds from the sale are received. This strategy allows you to reinvest the money from the sale into investments that aren't allowed by other capital gains tax deferral strategies.

Deferred sales trusts work with  Internal Revenue Code 453, which is a tax law that prevents a taxpayer from having to pay taxes on money they haven't yet received on an installment sale.

The idea behind a deferred sales trust is to sell the real estate asset to the trust with an installment sale. The trust then sells the real estate to the buyer, and the funds are placed in the trust without paying taxes on the capital gains.

The trust doesn't have any capital gains taxes because it sold the real estate asset for the same amount it paid for it with the installment sales contract. As the seller, you don't pay any capital gains taxes yet because you haven't constructively received (physically received) the funds from the sale.

The installment contract from the sale can be set up any way you wish. You can begin receiving installment payments right away or defer them for several years.

The third-party trustee can invest the funds however you like. You can earn interest income on the money from the real estate sale while it sits in the trust. You only begin paying capital gains taxes when you start receiving principal payments.

How does a deferred sales trust work?

A deferred sales trust has to be set up properly, and specific rules have to be followed throughout the process to enjoy the tax benefits.

The process for using a deferred sales trust looks like this:
  1. A third-party trust is formed that will be managed by a third-party trustee.
  2. The real estate asset is sold to the trust with an installment sales contract.
  3. The trust sells the real estate to the buyer and receives the funds.
  4. The third-party trustee invests the funds or distributes installment payments at the seller's direction.
  5. Capital gains taxes are paid on any principal amount the seller receives from installment payments.

Capital gains taxes are paid when you profit from the sale of an investment property,  commercial real estate, or other business assets. Using a deferred sales trust doesn't get you out of paying capital gains taxes, but it does allow you to defer them while you reinvest the money.

What are the benefits of a deferred sales trust?

The primary benefit to a deferred sales trust is that you are able to defer taxes on capital gains while earning additional income from investing the proceeds from the sale. As an investor, you're able to invest more because you haven't had to pay the taxes on the capital gains yet.

For example, if your capital gain on a real estate sale is $1 million, you can invest that full amount if you defer the taxes. If you receive the sale proceeds yourself, you'll have to pay a 15% capital gains tax. After paying the taxes, you only have $850,000 to invest.

A deferred sales trust can be an alternative to a  1031 exchange for deferring taxes on capital gains if you don't want to continue investing in real estate. With a deferred sales trust, you have many more investment options including:

  1.  Other real estate .
  2.  Stocks .
  3.  REITs .
  4.  Bonds .
  5.  Mutual funds .
  6.  CDs .
  7.  Angel investments .

A deferred sales trust also allows you to receive payments as you need them. You can choose to only receive income payments on the interest earned or structure principal payments however you would like. This can be a great option for retirement income, or to continue receiving cash flow on the real estate you sold.

How can you use a deferred sales trust to save a 1031 exchange?

If you've started the process of a 1031 exchange but are unable to complete the purchase of the replacement property for any reason, your qualified intermediary may be able to put the funds into a deferred sales trust to prevent you from receiving any money you would have to pay taxes on.

If you aren't able to purchase the new property within the time allotted, your exchange will fail and you'll be left paying the capital gains taxes you were trying to avoid.

If the qualified intermediary puts the money into a deferred sales trust for you, you will have more time to locate and close on a replacement property. The trust doesn't have a time limit to reinvest like a 1031 exchange does.

How does a deferred sales trust affect your tax liability?

When using a deferred sales trust to sell your real estate asset, you won't pay taxes on the sale for any money you haven't received. This doesn't mean you'll never have to pay the taxes, but you can defer the tax payment for as long as you want, as long as you don't personally receive cash from the sale.

Any payments you receive from the trust on the interest earned will be subject to income tax just like any profits earned from other investments.

While a deferred sales trust allows you to defer capital gains taxes, you can't defer depreciation recapture taxes for any amount depreciated beyond what straight-line depreciation would have been.

How do you create a deferred sales trust?

The actual process of forming a deferred sales trust can be quite complicated, and very specific rules have to be followed. To set up a deferred sales trust, you should contact a professional estate planning team or a tax professional that is experienced and knowledgeable with deferred sales trusts and deferring taxes on capital gains.

A proper deferred sales trust must be a legitimate third-party trust with a legitimate third-party trustee. The trustee must be independent and not related to the beneficiary or the real estate transaction. The third-party trustee is responsible for managing the trust and the money in it according to the taxpayer's risk tolerance, so choosing the right trustee is extremely important.

Deferred sales trust can be a useful tool for deferring capital gains taxes when selling an investment property. There are a lot of things to consider with any type of real estate tax deferral strategy, so working with a professional who understands the tax code for each will help you choose the best tax strategy for your real estate investments.




Pandemic Rent Growth Highlights Migration Patterns

Photo by Tobias Wilden on Unsplash

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S. in the spring of 2020, few could have imagined that the virus would still be impacting daily lives for the rest of the year, let alone nearly two years later. And when lockdowns started and 20-plus million jobs were lost, the dominant theme in the multifamily market was how to mitigate the damage.

However, as we start 2022, multifamily rents are coming off record-breaking highs in 2021 with an optimistic outlook for the year ahead. Between March 2020 and December 2021, asking rents in Matrix’s top 30 metros rose by an average of $194, or 13.5 percent. During that period, asking rents increased by 20 percent or more in nine of the 30 largest metros and 10 percent or more in 19 of the top 30. Meanwhile, in only four metros—large coastal centers San Jose, San Francisco, and New York, as well as Midland, Texas—were asking rents below pre-pandemic levels.

Looking at the universe of 147 metros tracked by Yardi Matrix, asking rents increased by 20 percent or more in just over one in five (29) and by 10 percent or more in almost three quarters (79). The only metros that remain below pre-pandemic asking rent levels are in the Bay Area (San Francisco and San Jose), New York City, and Midland/Odessa, Texas, where rents are down by 22.5 percent.

Migration Shifts

The changes in rent since the pandemic started reveal much about demand and where growth could be concentrated going forward. Sheltering in place and working from home has loosened the link between home and work and limited the cultural advantages of large cities. That led to a migration from high-cost coastal centers starting in the spring of 2020. Where households are going can be seen by rent growth data.

The top choice is the South and Southwest. Between March 2020 and December 2021, asking rents grew by 34.5 percent on the Southwest Florida Coast; 31.1 percent in Phoenix; 28.5 percent in Tampa; 28.2 percent in Las Vegas; 27.2 percent in Boise, Idaho; 25.0 percent in Asheville, N.C.; 22.9 percent in Atlanta; 21.4 percent in Orlando; 20.7 percent in Raleigh-Durham; and 20.6 percent in Charlotte. These secondary and tertiary markets feature a lower cost of living than gateway metros, attractive weather, and geography, and a growing base of jobs as corporations expand there.

Another type of migration occurred between expensive coastal markets and nearby secondary markets that are less expensive. Asking rents since the pandemic started grew by 25.4 percent in the Inland Empire, 20.2 percent in Sacramento, and 18.3 percent in Orange County. In this type of migration, people move farther from job centers but within occasional commuting distance for flexible jobs. Or they are willing to make longer commutes in exchange for larger or less expensive apartments. Other metros that reflect this type of migration include Baltimore (11.7 percent), Colorado Springs (14.7 percent), Northern New Jersey (8.9 percent), and Long Island (8.6 percent).

Data and chart courtesy of Yardi Matrix

The struggles of San Jose (-4.8 percent), San Francisco (-2.1 percent), and New York (-0.1 percent) reflect the high cost of housing in those markets and decline of office usage, especially among the technology jobs in the Bay Area metros. Some renters have become either unable or unwilling to pay high rents for small apartments in urban areas.

Even so, gateway cities can take heart from the fact that demand is rapidly returning. Year-over-year through November, occupancy of stabilized apartments is up 3.2 percent in New York, 2.9 percent in Chicago, 2.5 percent in San Jose, and 2.0 percent in San Francisco. As the pandemic gets nearer to its end phase, more companies are asking employees to come back to the office, if not full time at least more often. What’s more, as cities reopen, young workers from other parts of the country want to experience the cultural and lifestyle benefits of gateway centers.

An Enduring Trend?

Where all this goes is unpredictable. As demonstrated by the onset of the Omicron wave, forecasting the end of the pandemic is difficult. New variants of the virus may impact corporate policies regarding remote work—more are delaying going back to the office or even implementing permanent fully remote policies. That could continue to drive migration away from large job centers. In-migration continues to be a big factor. Fewer people moved to urban centers during the pandemic, even as more moved out. Post-pandemic, immigration could pick up and make up for households moving out. As long as the pandemic continues to affect commerce and travel, future migration will remain unpredictable. Clearly, however, the growth in metros in the South and West is not likely to abate.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Demand for Apartments in 2021 Smashes Previous Record High by 66%

Demand for market-rate apartments in 2021 soared far above the highest levels on record in the three decades RealPage has tracked the market. Net demand totaled more than 673,000 units – obliterating the previous high set in 2000 by a remarkable 66%. Demand would have been even stronger if not for record-low vacancy, severely limiting the number of units available to rent.
Strong demand drove up apartment occupancy 2.1 basis points year-over-year to 97.5%. Both the increase and the resulting rate were the highest on record since RealPage began tracking apartments in the early 1990s.
Household formation is likely occurring at a faster clip than official government data sources are reporting. It’s not just apartments. We’re seeing huge demand and ultra-low availability for all types of housing – including for-sale homes and single-family rentals – in essentially every city and at every price point.
The Sun Belt and Mountain/Desert regions combined to account for more than half of the nation’s apartment demand in 2021, led by Dallas/Fort Worth’s 7.4% share of the U.S. total.
Remarkably, occupancy rates hit or top 96% in 148 of the nation’s 150 largest metro areas. (For context, a rate of 95-96% is traditionally considered “full” when accounting for normal turnover time between leases.) The only exceptions are a pair of small Texas markets: Corpus Christi and Midland/Odessa.
Severely limited availability has led to price appreciation in all types of housing, including apartments. Effective asking rents on new leases increased a record-high 14.4% in 2021. However, there are signs that rent growth could soon moderate – though not dramatically. True new lease rent growth (the replacement rent a new renter pays compared to the previous renter of the same unit) peaked in August and has inched down since then. Asking rents, the traditional headline metric, tend to be a lagging indicator.
New lease rent growth in 2021 reached double-digits in 103 of the nation’s 150 largest metros. Florida and Desert region markets led the way, with appreciation topping 20% in 11 Florida markets: Naples, Sarasota, West Palm Beach, Fort Myers, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, Port St. Lucie, Orlando, Jacksonville, Palm Bay, and Miami. Outside the Sunshine State, 11 more metros topped 20% – including Phoenix, Las Vegas, Austin, Raleigh/Durham, Atlanta, and Salt Lake City.
In one major positive sign, renter incomes continued to soar upward – keeping rent-to-income ratios in the low 20% for the average renter household signing a new lease. New renter incomes registered at $70,116 nationally, up 11% above the pre-pandemic high.
It’s tremendously encouraging to see that for the vast majority of market-rate renters, apartments remain affordable. With this big wave of new demand coming in, these renters are bringing big incomes and they are paying rent on time. We’ve seen this not only in our own data but in reporting from all the publicly traded rental housing REITs. However, averages and medians do not tell the full story. Not every household could afford market-rate rentals even prior to the pandemic, and as much as we need more housing of all types, our country remains in desperate need of more affordable housing.
One encouraging sign: Unlike in single-family, multifamily new supply continues to hit the market in large volumes – and even more is on the way. Nearly 360,000 market-rate apartment units completed in 2021. That’s the biggest addition in more than three decades. Another 682,000 units are under construction. Of those, roughly 426,000 are scheduled to complete in 2022 – marking the first time since 1987 supply will top the 400,000-unit mark.
The increase in supply is great news for renters unable to find available housing. We need more housing – all types of housing. But most of these new apartments are higher-rent, Class A+ communities. Affordable housing requires government support and funding in various forms, and there simply isn’t enough of that across most of the country right now.
Construction leaders remain the usual markets, led by Dallas/Fort Worth, Phoenix, and New York. On a relative basis (construction relative to the size of the market), metros seeing significant volumes of supply underway include Nashville, Austin, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Charlotte, Raleigh/Durham, and Jacksonville – all high-demand areas.
“Multifamily starts have been robust over the last decade and stalled only briefly when the pandemic first hit before re-accelerating again,” said Carl Whitaker, RealPage’s Director of Research and Analysis. “Starts in 2022 will likely top 2021 levels, meaning completions should remain very high through at least 2023-2024. That’s especially true in many of the nation’s Sun Belt metros, most notably D/FW, Austin, Phoenix, and Nashville.”

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Webcast 2022 Economic Overview and Real Estate Outlook


General Information Thursday, January 27, 2022 Register Now >>

Summary Join us for a lively discussion with the Honorable Henry M. Paulson, Jr. The CEOs of Marcus & Millichap, TruAmerica Multifamily and ICSC are honored to host the former CEO of Goldman Sachs and 74th Secretary of the United States Treasury. The conversation will span the economic outlook, inflation, Federal Reserve Policy, and factors impacting commercial real estate.


Featuring Henry M. Paulson, Jr., 74th Secretary of the United States Treasury/Former Chairman & CEO, Goldman Sachs Robert E. Hart, President & CEO, TruAmerica Multifamily Tom McGee, President & CEO, ICSC

Hosted By: Hessam Nadji, President & CEO, Marcus & Millichap


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Webcast 2022 Economic Overview and Real Estate Outlook


General Information Thursday, January 27, 2022 Register Now >>

Summary Join us for a lively discussion with the Honorable Henry M. Paulson, Jr. The CEOs of Marcus & Millichap, TruAmerica Multifamily and ICSC are honored to host the former CEO of Goldman Sachs and 74th Secretary of the United States Treasury. The conversation will span the economic outlook, inflation, Federal Reserve Policy, and factors impacting commercial real estate.


Featuring Henry M. Paulson, Jr., 74th Secretary of the United States Treasury/Former Chairman & CEO, Goldman Sachs Robert E. Hart, President & CEO, TruAmerica Multifamily Tom McGee, President & CEO, ICSC

Hosted By: Hessam Nadji, President & CEO, Marcus & Millichap

Fed Projects Multiple Interest Rate Hikes In 2022 To Combat Inflation — But 'Big Unknown' Still Lingers

Photo by Konstantin Evdokimov on Unsplash


High inflation is now the beast that the Federal Reserve is out to slay.

At least that's the big takeaway from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell after the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on Wednesday — though he didn't use such metaphorical language.

Rather, Powell said that “elevated inflation pressures” spurred the central bank to plan to cut asset purchases twice as fast as it previously announced, which sets the stage for interest rate increases starting in 2022. “They are revising up inflation, revising down unemployment, and as a result, they’re pushing up the path for interest rates,” Renaissance Macro head of U.S. economics Neil Dutta told The New York Times. “It’s a bit of a 180 on Powell’s part.” Consumer inflation is as high as it has been since the early 1980s, and the government reported on Tuesday that wholesale prices jumped at a rate of 9.6% year-over-year in November, the fasted pace on record. “I think it’s the impact on the broader population that’s really the Fed’s challenge,” Logan Capital Management Principal Stephen Lee told NBC.

Bankrate Chief Financial Analyst Greg McBride told the network that until there is greater clarity about the transmissibility of the omicron variant and its possible economic fallout, with the latest move the central bank left itself room to reverse course on its monetary policy, if necessary.

At the latest meeting, the FOMC didn't raise interest rates, but it did forecast that there will be three hikes next year — up from the two it anticipated in September. The committee also foresees three more increases in 2023 and two the following year. The median projection among FOMC members for the federal funds rate in 2022 is to end the year at 0.9%, while the median for 2023 is 1.6%, and the committee expects the long-term rate to be 2.5%. The tapering of asset purchases gives the Fed flexibility when it comes to starting rate hikes, Janus Henderson Investors Global Bonds Portfolio Manager Jason England told Bisnow by email. “This should put pressure on the front-end of the U.S. Treasury curve, leading to more flattening, with the trajectory of front-end rates higher,” England said.

Powell stressed that the Fed isn't going to move precipitously in its monetary policy, with two more meetings to go until asset purchases are completely wound down. On the other hand, he also said that he didn't anticipate much of a waiting period afterward before interest rates rise, as occurred in the mid-2010s.

Moreover, the central bank also said that it is waiting for the labor market, which has been improving lately, to improve more before it ramps up interest rates.

“With inflation having exceeded 2% for some time, the committee expects it will be appropriate to maintain this target range until labor market conditions have reached levels consistent with the committee’s assessments of maximum employment,” the Fed said in a statement.

When asked what would constitute maximum employment, Powell wasn't specific, saying that it would be a judgment call on the part of the committee, based on the unemployment rate, but also the labor participation rate, as well as wages and other factors.

Investors reacted positively on Wednesday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 both up. The Dow gained 1.08% for the day, while the S&P 500 was up 1.63%. The FTSE NAREIT Composite index likewise had a good day on Wednesday, ending up at 1.32%.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

From real estate to inflation here's what to expect from the economy in 2022


After a second consecutive year in which the word “unprecedented” did more than its fair share of narrative heavy lifting, economists are looking ahead to 2022 with a sense of wariness: Sharply escalating prices and the uncertain severity of the omicron variant of the coronavirus cast twin shadows over forecasters’ expectations, but some still found reason for optimism in the face of such unknowns.

“2022 is what I’m going to call a transition towards normalcy,” said Eric Diton, the president and managing director of The Wealth Alliance, an investment advisory firm. “It means the global economy is going to continue to grow but not nearly at the rates that we saw in 2021. It means that inflation will still be stubborn — but going into the latter part of 2022, I think we’re going to solve a lot of those supply chain and employment issues,” he said.

Here are the top issues economists have on their radar for 2022:


The pandemic


The fast-moving omicron variant is proving to be the biggest near-term wild card. “The early part of 2022 likely will see another temporary slowdown in economic growth as rocketing omicron cases hit the discretionary services sector,” Ian Shepherdson, the chief economist for Pantheon Macroeconomics, said in a recent research note.

Early indications have suggested less-deadly outcomes, leaving forecasters cautiously optimistic, said Liz Young, the chief investment officer at SoFi. The U.S. is better positioned now than it was a year ago or even when the delta variant triggered a surge in caseloads in the summer and the early fall, she said.

“The health care system at this point is pretty well prepared to pivot and create different forms of vaccines and different forms of therapeutics as new variants present themselves,” Young said. As a result, stretches of market volatility that have accompanied each new variant and subsequent surge had become more muted, she said. “Those reactions keep getting shorter and shorter,” she said.

Experts acknowledged, however, that an epidemiological turn for the worse could upend the widely held view in markets that successive Covid waves will continue to have smaller impacts on the economy.


The housing market


According to data from the National Association of Realtors, the median price for an existing home rose to just under $354,000 as of November (the most recent month for which data are available), an annual increase of around 14 percent. Economists predict that the prospect of higher interest rates could act as a brake on home price gains next year because paying more to service mortgages leaves homebuyers with less money for payments each month.

Higher interest rates could act as a brake on future home price gains in 2022.

Daryl Fairweather, the chief economist of the online real estate platform Redfin, said in a new report that real estate activity will spike in the first half of the year as buyers and sellers alike scramble to close deals before rates rise. She predicted that 30-year mortgage rates will rise from their current level of about 3 percent to 3.6 percent by the end of next year, which would translate into an additional $100 a month at the median. Despite the rate pressure, however, Fairweather predicted that home prices will tick up by just 3 percent next year.

But while home prices might be cooling, renters aren’t going to get any kind of relief yet. “Rents are increasing at double digits,” said Jay Hatfield, the founder and CEO of Infrastructure Capital Management.

If the government still calculated inflation today using the same models it used back in the 1970s, the spike in rent costs this year would have been reflected in a real inflation rate north of 10 percent — a big reason the current inflationary climate has created greater financial challenges for renters. “This has basically never happened before. We’ve never had this kind of national inflation for rent,” Hatfield said.

Fairweather predicted another year of higher rents, estimating a 7 percent increase nationwide in 2022. “Demand for rentals will be strong for several reasons,” she said. “The end of mortgage forbearance will cause many homeowners to sell and rent instead. As the pandemic subsides, more people will choose to live in cities where it is more common to rent.” In addition, she said, the booming labor market and the ability of many knowledge-economy workers to do their jobs remotely could also trigger demand for rentals if newly arriving residents want to rent before they buy homes.

The supply of homes will remain an issue, economists say. A report in June commissioned by the National Association of Realtors found that the U.S. housing market has a demand-supply gap of 6.8 million units and that higher prices for materials and labor will make closing the gap even more challenging.


The stock market


Despite bouts of volatility, 2021 was a gangbusters year for stocks, with equities notching record highs regularly. With the gains all but in the rearview mirror, however, market professionals predict a return to sobriety next year.

“In 2022 we’re going to be looking at the fundamentals of it much more closely,” Young said.

A big open question is whether, when, and to what extent the services sector — which comprises a sizable slice of economic output and jobs — will be able to rebound. “If the services sector has come back ... I think the worst of the reaction is already behind us,” she said.

John Cunnison, the chief investment officer at Baker Boyer Bank, said, “If we start looking forward ... what seems to be priced into the stock market is just a massive amount of demand for financial assets.”

Cunnison pushed back against the assumption that a run-up in asset prices would necessarily trigger a hard landing. “This is not a dichotomous outcome,” he said. “You can grow into high prices. Earnings can continue to grow solidly into the current prices.”

If 2021 was marked by hope for the future, however, experts say investors will use corporate earnings as a window to look into the health of the U.S. consumer and, by extension, the country’s economic growth.

“What we’re watching for is the relative performance between the consumer discretionary sector and the consumer staples sector,” said David Wagner, a portfolio manager, and analyst at Aptus Capital Advisors. A reduction in nonessential spending could mean high prices start to pinch consumer spending, which could portend coming economic pain that could spill over into other categories of spending, squeezing earnings and triggering a downturn on Wall Street.


The labor market


It would not be an exaggeration to label 2021 as the year of the worker, and experts said the new year is likely to reflect more of the same — at least at first. “Longer term, I think we’re going to continue to see labor shortages ... but in the next year or so it’s going to get better,” Wagner said.

The consulting firm Deloitte found in a recent survey of chief financial officers that companies expect to invest in and spend on equipment, technology, and human capital next year. “There’s going to continue to be a significant increase in domestic hiring and domestic wages,” said Steve Gallucci, the leader of Deloitte’s chief financial officer program in North America.

Early retirement has moved more than a million workers out of the labor pool.

Yet even Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell admitted that policymakers were perplexed by the extent to which labor force participation remained depressed this year. In the new year, experts say, the U.S. workforce will come closer to its pre-pandemic norm, but only up to a certain point. Some of the changes triggered by Covid-19 are likely to be, if not permanent, long-term fixtures of the labor market.

“I think that labor force participation stays below where it was before the pandemic,” Young said.

Early retirement has moved, by many estimates, more than a million workers out of the labor pool. “We’re just not going to replace those people,” Young said. “That’s something that we’ll just need to expect.”




The inflation question is paramount because it touches so many facets of the economic landscape: Federal Reserve policy and interest rates paid by borrowers, as well as prices on goods and services bought by individuals, as well as companies.

“I would argue what we’re seeing right now with inflation is a combination of two things. It’s a perfect storm,” said Brad McMillan, the chief investment officer for Commonwealth Financial Network. High demand for goods triggered by service-sector shutdowns and by supportive monetary and fiscal policy that was rolled out last year was on a collision course with a global supply chain that had effectively had sand poured into its gears.

One bright spot is the elevated rates of savings still held by many American families.

“All of a sudden, the demand for things spiked just as the supply of things cratered. The question going forward is is that going to continue?” McMillan said.

One bright spot is the elevated rates of accrued savings many U.S. families still hold. Bank data show that such reserves are dwindling, but some experts held out the hope that they could last long enough to buffer escalating inflationary pressures.

“I think the wild card here — and it gives Jerome Powell a little more flexibility — is the net worth of the U.S. household continues to get substantially larger,” Wagner said. Shepherdson, of Pantheon Macroeconomics, estimated that U.S. households will draw down $600 billion worth of savings next year.

Markets had been pricing in a trio of interest rate hikes in 2022 for much of the final quarter of 2021, which was reflected in the economic projections the members of the Fed’s policymaking committee made in December. The big unanswered question is whether that will be the right amount of tightening for an economy that has been anything but predictable over the last 22 months.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Chicago Business Activity Accelerated in December MNI Survey Shows


Growth of business activity in the Chicago area picked up pace in December on continued strong underlying demand for goods, according to data released Thursday by MNI Indicators.

The Chicago Business Barometer rose to 63.1 in December from 61.8 in November, suggesting that growth accelerated over the month. The reading beat economists' forecasts, who in a poll by The Wall Street Journal expected it to come in at 62.0.

The barometer is compiled after surveying companies in the Chicago area to assess business conditions. Readings above 50 point to expansion of activity, while readings below 50 indicate contraction.

The reading takes into account five components: new orders, order backlogs, production, supplier deliveries, and employment.

Among the main five indicators, production and new orders were higher; while order backlogs, employment, and supplier deliveries indexes fell.

The gain in the headline index was supported by a sharp increase in the new orders index to 66.5. The production index increased marginally, suggesting steady output growth.

The employment index declined for the second month in a row, dropping seven points to the lowest level since June. "Firms stated that finding new hires to fill empty positions is challenging," the report said.

The survey showed signs of easing supply-chain bottlenecks.

The supplier deliveries index dropped to 80.5, still signaling long delivery times but less so than in the previous month. However, firms continued to report slow deliveries, port congestion and trucking issues.

The order backlogs index dropped 5.2 points to the lowest reading this year, and inventories rose for the third consecutive month.

The prices paid for raw materials index declined 4.2 points to a seven-month low of 89.6 in December, signaling that prices grew at a slightly slower pace. However, the reading is still above the 12-month average of 88.0, as shortages of certain materials led to inflated costs, MNI Indicators said.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Illinois RE Journal Forecast Chicago 20th Anniversary Conference


Marcus & Millichap is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the Forecast Chicago 20th Anniversary Conference presented by Illinois Real Estate Journal in Rosemont, IL on January 6, 2022. Steven D. Weinstock, FVP/National Director, Self-Storage Division and Regional Manager of the Chicago Oak Brook office, is a panelist on the Investment Breakout Session at 11:00 a.m. CT. Joe Powers, Regional Manager of the Chicago Downtown office, is a panelist on the concurrent Multifamily Breakout Session, also at 11:00 a.m. CT. Join the Marcus & Millichap team at this event and learn how our 50 years of experience can help you reach your investment goals.



Saturday, January 22, 2022

Multifamily Forum Southeast


The Marcus & Millichap / IPA Multifamily Forum Southeast brings together the most active multifamily developers, investors, owners, and operators in the region to create a marketplace for learning, discovery, networking, and deal-making. The event will be held on Thursday, March 31, 2022, at the Loudermilk Convention Center in Atlanta, GA. Meet with our multifamily and financial advisors and discover how our unique combination of expertise and experience can help you achieve your investment goals.



Friday, January 21, 2022

CNBC Features Marcus & Millichap CEO Hessam Nadji Commercial Real Estate Gathers Momentum


CNBC Features Marcus & Millichap CEO Hessam Nadji


Commercial Real Estate Gathers Momentum; Performance Gap Widens by Property Type


Why Broad-based Recovery Should Continue in 2022

Latest Perspective on the Office Sector, Suburban vs. Urban Outlook

Potential Risks and Headwinds


Thursday, January 20, 2022

2022 U.S. Multifamily Investment Forecast


Will Multifamily's Record Performance Carry into 2022? Trends, Insights, and Outlook for 46 Markets Across the U.S.


The health crisis unlocked a wave of changes to the economy and housing market that transformed the multifamily investment landscape. To help investors adapt to and capitalize on the unprecedented climate, the 2022 Multifamily Investment Forecast offers deep insight on the performance, investment, and financing landscape for the coming year.

Key Features Include:

  • 2022 economic, housing, and demographic outlooks
  • Apartment market index rankings
  • Supply and demand forecasts for every market


Download Full Report

Why Aren't There Any Vacant Apartments?


Apartment occupancy in the U.S. has hit an all-time high, meaning anyone looking for a new place is going to have a rough time of it.

Fully 97.5% of professionally managed apartment units are spoken for as of December, the highest figure on record, according to data from the property management software company RealPage. That’s more than 2 percentage points higher than the occupancy rate in December 2020, a difference that represents hundreds of thousands of households.

“I don’t think most people realize just how crazy that is,” says Jay Parsons, deputy chief economist for RealPage. “Not only is that a record, typically we consider 95 to 96% to be essentially full.”

But for most tenants, there may be a silver lining to the lack of options. Rents for available apartments have seen record increases over the last year, yet the occupancy rates suggest that most renters aren’t paying those prices.

relates to Apartment Occupancy Just Hit a Historic High. Is That Good?

relates to Apartment Occupancy Just Hit a Historic High. Is That Good?

High occupancy rates leave little margin for renters who need to relocate for jobs, education or other reasons. Winter is the shoulder season when it comes to these moves: Families typically settle in for the cold, the holidays, and the school year, then upend their lives over the summer. (The same seasonal pattern applies to forced exits through evictions.) In 2021, however, the occupancy rate rose steadily throughout the year, without the typical seasonal variation — another quirk of the pandemic.

Such low vacancy levels reflect a historically high number of renters renewing their leases. The lack of churn means that people hunting for new homes have fewer options. Apartments may be put on the market and leased before tenants leave the unit: “Clean, prep, paint, change the carpet, and get the next person in,” Parsons says.

Abnormal is the pandemic normal, of course. Rents for market-rate apartments cratered during the first year of the pandemic as some residents decamped from cities (and, more importantly, new renters didn’t move in to replace them). Rents fell furthest in high-cost cities but also dipped in the suburbs of New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and a few other places. This plunge led building owners to offer huge discounts and concessions to try to lure renters — followed by steep double-digit rent hikes in 2021 as tenants finally returned to those buildings.

No Vacancy

It’s not just the large apartment buildings in major metros that are experiencing big swings in rental trends. Rental homes and apartments across the U.S. are witnessing the lowest vacancy rates in nearly 40 years. People just aren’t moving: Despite the scramble in spring 2020 following the arrival of the pandemic and the countless stories of Covid-fueled migration patterns, a record low number of households moved between March 2020 and March 2021, according to a report by the

Pew Research Center


For tenants who already signed a lease or never left in the first place, spikes in rent listings might not affect them much. Landlords face a loss on paper when it comes to filling units, known in the industry as loss to lease. This is the difference between the advertised rent and what renters actually pay. An apartment building owner in Dallas might list a vacant unit at $200 higher than what the renter down the hall is paying. Property owners want to narrow this gap, and in a tight market, they have more leverage. Yet that same Dallas landlord marking up vacant units might not want to risk maxing out a current tenant’s rent when their lease comes due. It’s easier and more cost-efficient to keep them in place paying a less-than-maximum rent than to search for a new tenant. Very few apartment operators are going to move a household up to full price, Parsons says. Keeping a paying tenant in place is a high priority, especially after the chaos of the last two years.“When you send a renewal notice, 90 days out, there’s a lot of uncertainty. Especially in the Covid era, so much could change,” Parsons says. “There’s a real risk that we could have another economic challenge. There’s a balance of a higher chance of collecting revenue in an occupied unit versus a chance of zero revenue. Do you want to roll the dice?”

Rents are rising, and the discounts and concessions of 2020 are likely a thing of the past. Moreover, demand for housing continues to outpace the supply. In this specific moment, with omicron surging and rental chaos a recent memory, many landlords will stick with their current tenants. No matter: The housing shortage is so severe that property owners likely don’t need to charge max rents to make a bundle.

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Families that do need to move right now face tough choices — or rather, fewer choices.

Source: Why Aren’t There Any Vacant Apartments?

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Inflation: Why prices will keep soaring in 2022


Prices have climbed so high it will take some time for them to come back down to earth. In other words, the uncomfortable inflation numbers of 2021 will likely stay with us well into the New Year.

The most recent price data we have is from November when two of the most-watched inflation measures — the consumer price index and the personal consumption expenditure index — each climbed to a 39-year high.

The latter index is what the Federal Reserve pays the most attention to when assessing the nation's inflation.

There's some room for optimism: The central bank, which is tasked with keeping prices stable, is rolling back its pandemic stimulus and is expected to raise interest rates next year to tame inflation and stop the economy from overheating.
And last month's data actually showed that prices increased at a slower rate in November than in October for both the


and the PCE indices. That's good news, even though the slowdown was small at only 0.1 percentage points.

But here's the thing: Economists prefer to look at price movements over a period of time, usually 12 months. So a small slowdown like November's won't move the needle just yet.

In fact, it might take months for these incremental slowdowns to show up in the data. After a year of prices soaring on high demand and supply chain chaos, a lot of big numbers are baked into the 12-month data set. Even if inflation suddenly falls off a cliff, it would take time for the leading indices to reflect that. This is what Fed Chair Jerome Powell is talking about when he mentions "base effects."

Why will inflation remain high?

Several factors are keeping prices elevated. One is the supply chain chaos that came to a head last summer. Even though some bottlenecks have eased, the issues are not fully resolved. And as long as it's more expensive — and takes more time — to move goods around the world, higher transport costs will likely be passed down to consumers.
Another big contributor is the high cost of commodity prices, leading to surging energy and food costs. Prices in both sectors have soared this year and added a good chunk to the inflation we have already seen. In the case of food, high prices have forced some consumers to buy less or switch stores.
Economists don't expect that to get any better next year. Aside from high demand and shipping costs, rising prices for fertilizer and continued bad weather could keep food prices high even as other pandemic fueled inflation pressures ease.
Rising rents also remain a concern. This is important because housing represents a big percentage of what people spend money on. If rents eat up a bigger piece of the pie, consumers might wind up spending less, which would be bad news for the recovery.

In November, rent rose 0.4% for the third month in a row, according to economists at Bank of America, and that points to higher and more persistent inflation going forward.

The "recent broadening of inflationary pressure has coincided with a notable pickup in rental inflation," said Peter B. McCrory, economist at JPMorgan, "which jumped to its highest monthly rate in 20 years in the September CPI report and has stayed firm since then."
And then there's Omicron.
Several countries, including the United States, have seen record-high Covid-19 infections in recent weeks because of the rapidly spreading variant. If this leads to a new round of lockdowns, it could once again change the way consumers spend and boost demand for stay-at-home goods.
Perhaps more importantly, Omicron could impact energy prices: If restrictions return and people travel less, the lowered energy demand would mean prices ease, and that would help bring inflation back down.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Sticker Shock Coming for Renters Receiving Concessions

Fannie Mae forecasted that concessions will decline throughout 2022, returning to more normalized levels by the end of the year.

The multifamily sector has experienced the effects of an increase in pent-up demand this past year, resulting in higher-than-average asking rents as well as concessions, depending on the type of apartment and its location.

Class A concessions peaked in March at 9.9% and have been falling since, but they remain elevated at 9.2% as of October due to competing new supply entering many local submarkets.

Those renters who have received concessions might find their benefits fleeting in 2022 though. Discounted rent from the concessions is only good for a short period of time (typically anywhere from the first month or so of free rent to discounted rent over the period of the lease).

So, this suggests that there might be a form of “sticker shock” at the end of the lease term for many tenants. That is when the new rent increase will be based on the full amount of the rent, prior to the discount resulting from the concession, according to a report from Fannie Mae, supplemented by data from RealPage.

Renewals Likely Absent of More Concessions

It may be that some tenants are expecting another round of concessions to offset that increase, but whether that materializes remains to be seen. Although the national concession rate remains elevated, fewer units are offering concessions.

That trend is expected to continue over the coming months. And as seen in the case of Class C units—the most affordable units in a location—the declining trend in concessions offered has recently started accelerating, most likely due to the improving economy and increased job growth.

As a result, Fannie Mae expects that concessions will continue decreasing, particularly for Class B and C units. It expects that the trend trajectory for Class A units will lag slightly behind, as new supply delivers over the next several quarters.

“But with the economy expected to continue and rental housing demand remaining firmly in place, we believe that concessions will decline throughout 2022, returning to more normalized levels by the end of the year,” according to Fannie Mae’s report.

Classes B and C Not Immune to Discounts

Class B concessions ended 2019 at 5.5% but recently peaked at 8.1% during the summer of 2021.

Class C began 2020 at 5.4%, and while it surpassed Class B during the earlier part of 2021, it has now begun to trend downward, to 6.6% as of October 2021.

Typically, when Class A demand softens, some tenants use the opportunity to rent more expensive units with better amenities, given that rents for these higher-quality units are now within their reach. However, the reverse happens infrequently: Tenants tend to not move back into lower quality units when those rents fall.

So, as Class A rents declined and concessions rose, a similar trend occurred with Class B and C units. And now that Class B and C concession rates are trending downward, that suggests that demand is increasing, likely keeping asking rent levels elevated.

Concessions Higher in Expensive Markets 

Although approximately 430,000 new apartment units may be completed in 2021, these units are not evenly distributed on a national basis. As has been the case for the past several years, much of the new apartment supply is concentrated in specific submarkets in approximately 12 metropolitan areas.

For instance, while Dallas, Orlando, Phoenix, and Houston all have a lot of new supply underway, their concession rates remain lower than those in the more expensive metros of New York, San Francisco, Miami, Boston, and Washington, D.C.—all of which have much higher asking rent levels, thus necessitating higher concession rates.

Source: Sticker Shock Coming for Renters Receiving Concessions

Price Reduction – 1270 McConnell Rd, Woodstock, IL Now $1,150,000 (Reduced from $1,200,000) This fully occupied 16,000 SF industrial propert...