Friday, June 17, 2022

Things to Know Before Starting a 1031 Exchange


If you own an investment property and are thinking of selling it, if suitable, engaging in a 1031 “like-kind” exchange may be a smart move. When done correctly, a 1031 exchange will allow you to defer all or part of the capital gains and depreciation recapture tax you would otherwise need to pay upon completion of your property sale.

1031 exchanges have many moving parts. Here is a closer look at four important things you need to know before getting started.

Assemble a Team of Experts

Putting together a team of experienced professionals right away is important to help ensure your 1031 exchange goes smoothly. The first step is to choose a reputable, Qualified Intermediary (QI).

This party is responsible for preparing and managing the important documents that apply to the relinquished and replacement properties and ensuring you comply with all necessary regulations. The QI also serves as the custodian for the sales proceeds from your property and is responsible for holding the funds until you are ready to complete the exchange. This means you absolutely must have a QI in place before you sell your property; this is not an optional aspect of your 1031 exchange.

In addition to your QI and investment professional, others you may want to add to your team include a real estate agent or broker, attorney, and CPA/Accountant. When creating your team, take the time to make sure each party you choose is intimately familiar with the ins and outs of a 1031 exchange.

Understand all Critical Timelines and Deadlines

If you fail to meet any necessary deadlines, your 1031 exchange will lose the tax advantages. Therefore, it is critical to understand the required timelines and make sure you have a plan in place to meet them.

First, you have 45 calendar days from the day you sell your relinquished property to identify your replacement property or properties (more on that in a moment). You then have a subsequent 135 days to close on those identified property(ies), totaling 180 calendar days to complete the entire exchange from sale to finish. It is important to note that these timelines run concurrently, so if you take the full 45 days to identify your property, you only will have 135 additional days to close on it.

Learn the basics of Property Selection 

IRS rules allow investors to choose from one of three identification rules. You can either,
  1. Identify up to three replacement properties and close on any number of them;
  2. Or, you can identify more than the three individual properties, as long as the total value doesn’t exceed 200% of the value of your relinquished property sale;
  3. Or, in some special cases, you can identify an unlimited number and value of properties, so long as you close on at least 95% or more of those identified properties. 
These rules get tricky and can cause a failed exchange if not done properly. The selection process is a bit complex, so it’s best to consult with your team to ensure you’re making a suitable choice.

You will have met the first deadline once you have identified specific properties in writing to your QI. Then, you will be able to purchase one or more of the properties (consistent with IRS rules) to complete your exchange.

Always Have a Backup Plan

If anything goes wrong with your property purchase, your 1031 exchange could fail. For this reason, it is always a good idea to identify more than one replacement property. Even if you think you know which property you want to purchase, it’s crucial to have a “backup plan” in place.

Naming additional properties using the Delaware Statutory Trust (DST), for example, as your second and third options will give you additional flexibility and help ensure you aren’t left high and dry if you run into a problem closing on your first choice.

Consult with a 1031 Exchange Expert

A 1031 exchange is a common solution for many property investors. However, simple mistakes can often lead to costly results. If you’re thinking about exchanging your investment property, our 1031 exchange professionals are available to answer your questions and help guide you through the process. Contact us today!

Thursday, June 16, 2022

A Backup Plan for Boot in a 1031 Exchange


Many 1031 exchangers think of "boot" as money proceeds from selling a relinquished property that is not reinvested in the replacement property. Often this occurs because the investor has another use for some of the proceeds and is willing to incur the taxes on the amount not reinvested.

Other times, the boot can occur because an investor cannot find a suitable replacement property to invest the entire proceeds. As you remember, the 1031 exchange requires the investor to find a replacement property of “equal or greater” value to defer taxes entirely.

An example of this ‘involuntary boot’ situation would be if you sold your rental duplex for $800,000 and found a suitable replacement property you liked, but the purchase price was only $700,000. You recognize that the $100,000 in boot is not enough to purchase another replacement property, so you would be responsible for paying capital gains tax on the uninvested $100,000.

If you find yourself in this situation, there is a backup plan that could save your exchange from taxation. If suitable, the Delaware Statutory Trust or DST is a great option.

Kick the Boot

A DST is an investment structure that meets 1031 exchange “like-kind” property requirements. It has become increasingly popular among investors looking to shed the hassles of actively managing investment property while still wanting to own income-producing real estate. A DST is a passive investment where investors own fractional shares in a property or properties that professional management companies manage.

The advantage a DST offers you if you are facing boot in your exchange is the ability to invest a relatively small amount of money – sometimes even as little as $10,000 – in high-quality institutional property that meets 1031 exchange replacement property requirements.

The DST Backup

You can also help relieve yourself from the boot in your exchange by selecting a DST as one of your potential replacement properties. Remember, you can choose more than one replacement property during your 45-day identification period. If you close on your desired replacement property and recognize you will have boot, your backup DST can still allow you to complete a full exchange with complete tax deferral. As mentioned, there are instances when 1031 exchange investors may select to receive a portion of their sale proceeds in cash and pay the tax. However, for other cases where the investor is challenged to find a suitable property to invest the total proceeds and defer their tax liability, the DST has proven to be an effective backup plan! If you would like to learn more about other advantages of a DST, contact us today or schedule an appointment on our calendars here.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Inflation and 1031 Exchanges: A Guide for Real Estate Investors (Part II)


Our last post discussed how periods of rising inflation can affect commercial real estate assets and how today's rising price environment potentially impacts investment property owners. Depending on the types of properties an investor currently owns, and where they are located, they may find that now is a good time to evaluate one’s holdings and determine if one should make any changes. 


Broadly, investment real estate has historically performed well during inflationary environments compared to many other asset classes.1 And within the commercial real estate industry, some strategies may appeal to investors who own one or a few rental properties and are concerned about sustaining their cash flow potential as inflation climbs higher.  

One of those strategies is the Delaware Statutory Trust (DST), which is becoming increasingly popular among accredited investors selling property using a 1031 exchange. This is because the DST meets "like-kind" property requirements of the 1031 exchange, affording investors the full tax-deferral benefits allowed by the IRC Code. Yet, it also has some characteristics that may help assuage investment property owners' worries today.

Tenant Stability

Many rental property owners are worried about how our high inflation will impact their tenant's ability to pay monthly rents. And many owners dislike the task of replacing current renters with new tenants.

The DST investment structure allows investment property owners to sell their property and exchange it into the DST for ownership of a fractional interest in a portfolio of properties. Because these properties are of typically institutional quality and managed by professional management firms, tenant conditions are more favorable for tenant retention.2

Portfolio Diversification

If one owns an office building or small retail center, they may have experienced what the industry refers to as "concentration risk."3 Perhaps during the pandemic, they were asked by tenants to renegotiate their leases or even provide rent relief. The office and retail sectors were hit hard during lockdowns.

DSTs often hold different types of investment property in other geographical areas, so their holdings are much more diversified. For example, a DST could hold a sizable multifamily apartment in Austin, Texas, a distribution center in Boston, Massachusetts, and a data warehouse in Orlando, Florida. Owning a fractional interest in multiple properties of different types can help manage investment risk when one property type isn't performing as well as others.

In-Place Financing

Ideally, if an investor has a loan on their investment property, it is a fixed rate note for an extended period. That would help a borrower from rising inflation because typically, as inflation increases, so do borrowing costs. But, on the other hand, if an investor needs to secure new financing, they will likely pay more for it today than a few years ago, which could lead to rising operating expenses.

DSTs generally have in-place financing on the properties negotiated at institutional levels within their portfolios. So, by exchanging an existing property into a DST, the need to secure one’s own financing is avoided. And a DST's debt is considered non-recourse to the investors, so the liability is limited.

Professional Management

Often overlooked when the cost of goods increases rapidly is the impact of more expensive materials and equipment on operating expenses. When prices are high, replacing a hot water heater or a new roof could be more costly today than just a year ago.

Since DSTs are managed by professional management firms, the trust and management group manages the expenses incurred to maintain and operate the portfolio's properties. Investors are not required to provide additional capital for repairs and maintenance as allocated within the budget. Perhaps most importantly, investors have no responsibility for operating the properties.

A Time to Consider

DSTs, as with any investment, carry certain limitations and risks investors should be familiar with prior to investing. As we have discussed here, DSTs may provide current investment property owners additional benefits to consider during periods of rising inflation. And they may also be suitable for investors during periods when inflation is not a concern.

Contact our team to schedule a no-cost consultation to learn more about how a DST 1031 exchange may help you address your current real estate portfolio concerns.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Inflation and 1031 Exchanges: A Guide for Real Estate Investors (Part I)


For the past year, consumers have felt the financial pain of rapidly rising prices across various products. Whether you’re shopping for groceries, purchasing a big-ticket item, or simply filling your gas tank, it’s hard to ignore how your high inflation environment is on your purchasing power. more

In February of 2022, the annual inflation rate in the United States accelerated to 7.9% - the highest since January of 1982.1 The Consumer Price Index (CPI) also had the highest increase in 40 years.1 While the Federal Reserve originally forecasted inflation to ease towards the end of 2022, it now appears our high and persistent inflation will be with us for some time, as U.S. Treasury Secretary explained in a recent interview.

“We’re likely to see another year in which 12-month inflation numbers remain very uncomfortably high.”

-Janet Yellen,, March 10, 2022

If you’re a real estate investor, you may wonder how this rising price environment will impact your current holdings and whether you should make some adjustments to your portfolio. Here are a few things to consider before you make your next move:

How Inflation Affects Real Estate

Extended inflationary periods affect the real estate market in various ways; Some of the most significant include the influence on property values, rents, and financing.

Property Valuations Labor and construction material costs tend to rise during inflationary episodes, which can slow the development of new projects. This often creates a supply shortage for many different real estate assets, fueling demand and increasing property values. So, commercial real estate investors could benefit from property appreciation during rising inflation. Rent Rates

Many commercial property contracts contain escalation clauses, enabling owners to raise rents as their labor and property management costs increase. Annual increases are often tied to increases in the CPI. And multifamily property leases, written for shorter terms (6-12 months), allow owners to raise rents quickly, which may be at rates higher than inflation.


Inflation can impact commercial real estate investors in either a positive or negative way. For example, property owners who secured long-term fixed financing in the last few years when rates were at all-time lows will most likely avoid the need to refinance as rates increase. Conversely, owners who need financing during rising inflation will pay higher rates, typically raising their operating costs.

A Time to Buy?

While real estate still has its own risks, you may be happy to know real estate is an inflation hedging strategy. Real estate owners likely have seen property value increase over the last year and may be wondering if this would be a good time to sell.

Many other investment property owners may be weighing that same decision. One compelling strategy for potential sellers to maximize gains today yet not get clobbered with capital gains tax is to consider a 1031 exchange.

The 1031 exchange is a provision in the Tax Code, allowing investment property owners to defer capital gains and depreciation recapture taxes when exchanging an existing property for a “like-kind” replacement property.

We believe tax deferral should be increasingly important during high inflationary times, when appreciated property values may be at their highest.

We hope you have found this introduction on inflation and commercial real estate helpful. In Part II, we’ll discuss several investment concepts in further detail, including a deeper dive into four strategies that may help an individual properly allocate real estate investments during this period of inflation.

For more info, contact our team to schedule a consultation.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Is Multifamily Real Estate a Good Investment?


Investors who are looking for greater diversification and the potential for a steady stream of income may consider adding multifamily real estate to their portfolios. While many different property types are available to investors, multifamily properties have remained a consistently popular asset class for years.

Often referred to as “Apartments,” multifamily assets may be an attractive option for investors seeking an alternative source of income beyond traditional fixed income securities. In addition, privately-owned multifamily properties generally have a lower correlation to publicly traded securities, which can help diversify an investment portfolio and potentially reduce volatility. These characteristics often make multifamily properties an appealing option for 1031 exchangers seeking a replacement property. 

What is a Multifamily Investment Property? 

As the name suggests, multifamily properties house multiple families in a single location. Technically, any residential property that contains more than one rental unit (each with its own kitchen and bathroom) is considered a multifamily property. Whether the units are located side-by-side or stacked within the same building is true.

The most common type of multifamily investment property is the apartment complex, which the industry generally recognizes as one of three types – garden style, mid-rise, or high-rise.

Are Multifamily Properties a Smart Investment? 

Recent studies show that 36% of U.S. households currently rent their homes. Overall, homeownership is on a downward slide. The recent sharp uptick in home prices has impacted a whopping 39% of potential would-be homebuyers who earn more than $50,000 annually by pricing many of them out of the housing market.*

In addition, a greater number of higher-income Millennials are choosing “lifestyle renting.” This phenomenon refers to a preference for the flexibility and amenities of upscale rental units over the desire for homeownership. The allure of an all-inclusive location with all of the amenities you could want to be located in your apartment building is quite enticing when considering where you would like to live and what you’re willing to spend. The demand for rental units is further fueled by retiring baby boomers, many of whom are selling their homes and moving into adult-only multifamily housing.* These housing developments work well for the outdoor maintenance-free requirements with the camaraderie and lifestyle amenities to entertain a retired renter.

Potential Challenges of Multifamily Investing 

While multifamily properties may provide investors with an alternative source of income and the potential for appreciation, the task of actively managing these properties may be too burdensome for many.

In addition, large multifamily properties generally carry a high price tag, and the large upfront investment may put them out of reach for most investors.  The good news is that another strategy is available to investors who want to own multifamily properties. If suitable, one can add multifamily properties to their portfolio by investing in alternative investments such as a Delaware Statutory Trust (DST). The DST is a passive investment option that typically requires a much lower minimum investment because investors own a fractional interest in the property and other investors. DSTs allowed investors to own institutional quality multifamily assets, completely managed and operated by professional companies.

A DST that holds multifamily properties provides all the benefits discussed above without the hassle of active management. A DST also can provide significant opportunities for diversification because it can hold different types of multifamily in multiple locations.

1031 Exchange into a Multifamily DST

If you are an accredited investor who currently owns an investment property and is ready to replace it with a multifamily investment, a 1031 DST may be a viable option. This allows you to access all the potential benefits of a multifamily DST while also deferring your capital gains and depreciation recapture taxes.

Contact us today to learn more about this investment strategy.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Multifamily Investors Primed To Pay A Premium


The average price per unit climbed 21.6% in 2021.

According to a new analysis from Yardi Matrix, multifamily investors are increasingly willing to pay more than ever before for the asset class.

The firm logged record-high property sales and prices in 2021 when properties traded for an average of $192,105 per unit. Of the 83,000 properties reviewed by Yardi, 4,500—or about 5.3 percent—sold at least three times over the last decade. And the average compound annual growth rate for the repeat-sale properties averaged 17.7% nationally.

But while rents ticked up by 14% last year, rent growth increased even more. Multifamily rent growth has clocked in above the long-term average for the last half-decade, except for during COVID-19 lockdowns. Meanwhile, the average price per unit climbed 21.6 percent in 2021, the biggest one-year jump in recent memory.

Among investor favorites: assets geared toward working-class renters. “They have the potential for high rent growth because those properties have relatively low rents and are in markets with above-trend rent growth,” wrote Paul Fiorilla, director of research for Yardi Matrix. Strategically located value-add properties will also command a premium, particularly those in secondary markets and areas with strong in-migration like Texas, the Southeast, and Southwest, “where demand and rent growth is growing faster than the rest of the nation,” Yardi analysts note.  “Relatively few properties in gateway markets made the list of repeat sales.” Yardi Matrix tracks properties in 162 markets with 50 or more units. Deal flow “roared back” in 2021 to a record $215.3 billion, a 67.3 percent increase from the prior high.

Multifamily investment in Q1 hit an all-time high, increasing 56% year-over-year to $63 billion, according to CBRE. The sector accounted for 37% of total commercial real estate investment volume in the first quarter, followed by office at 21% and industrial at 20%.

Source: Multifamily Investors Primed To Pay A Premium

Saturday, June 11, 2022



INTRODUCTION Commercial real estate investing as an alternative investment strategy is nothing new, but it is still a mystery to many investors.

Commercial real estate or CRE has historically been rich with benefits, providing many investors with attractive risk-adjusted returns. As an alternative asset class, it also has a track record of delivering robust portfolio diversification.

There are some key differences between commercial real estate investments and traditional investment vehicles, such as stocks and bonds. Unlike stocks and bonds, which have high liquidity and can typically be bought and sold quickly and easily, commercial real estate is relatively illiquid. One of the select few investments is considered a hard asset. Most often, stocks are purchased for their selling potential rather than their capacity as a source of consistent income. Hence the “buy low, sell high” idea you often hear.

However, like stocks, public market investments also have a higher potential for volatility, a side effect of the public market’s high efficiency, which allows high-speed and secure trading. On the other hand, private markets tend to be less efficient and slower, but those qualities also mean they are less volatile.

We are going to discuss ten reasons why you should consider investing in commercial real estate this year.


1. THE RETURNS Commercial real estate is a particularly attractive option due to its ability to deliver a stable rate of return over long periods of time, with a relatively low-risk factor. The National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) Index has reported an average annual return of 8.8% over the past 15 years, which is almost 200 basis points above the average performance of the S&P 500 for the same time frame. Additionally, a major portion of the returns from commercial real estate is realized monthly in the form of rent, often secured by a corporate guarantee. Most gains in the stock market are in the form of appreciation and are only realized if and when you sell. An investment strategy often begins with purchasing a property to make money in two possible ways: first, by leasing the property and charging tenants rent in exchange for the use of the property, and second, by capturing appreciation of the property over time. Commercial real estate can succeed as an investment by producing rental income from a tenant or multiple tenants. Rental income, in turn, becomes the revenue for the property owner. The second opportunity for returns and profitability of a commercial real estate investment comes from any increase in the property’s equity value – or appreciation – over the period of ownership. Properties can also lose value, and even the most disciplined, proven investment strategies can’t guarantee gains because outside economic forces can impact a real estate investment’s value. All types of property have the potential for appreciation in asset value and profitability, from raw land to a site home to extensive apartment housing already developed. In summary, a hard asset with a secure lease can deliver safe, secure, and stable returns, all while enjoying the benefits of appreciation over time.


2. PASSIVE INCOME Time is our most valuable commodity. Unlike money, we cannot store up minutes on a clock, which can be earned, saved, and invested. We’re all allotted the same amount of time each day, but what we do with this gift varies widely. Ideally, we should be able to reduce the amount of time spent earning money so that we can spend more of our precious minutes on more fulfilling endeavors. What if you could earn money without having to lift a finger? This notion of making your money work for you so that you can focus on the more important and enjoyable aspects of life is often referred to as “passive income.” Creating streams of passive income is quite possibly one of the most significant and vital ways to acquire wealth. And, within this realm of making your money do the work for you, investing in commercial real estate is considered a gold standard. Throughout history, the purchase of land and property has been the most constant and reliable source of investment revenue. But, historically, this type of investment has been reserved only for the wealthiest of individuals. The historical problem with investing in commercial real estate is the high purchase price for quality properties. This creates a barrier to entry that was previously insurmountable by 97% of Americans. The poor man’s alternative to commercial real estate owns residential rentals. The sad reality here is that owning and operating a residential rental is anything but passive. A powerful way to achieve passive income is to purchase real estate that is paired with a NNN lease structure. This type of lease ensures that the tenant or tenants are responsible for maintenance, improvements, and property taxes. Because of the passive nature of a NNN lease, you won’t have to worry about tenants, trash, and toilets—the typical headaches that come with being a landlord. Instead, you focus on what you care about most–putting your money to work for you—and not the other way around!


3. CASH FLOW Quality commercial real estate investments typically deliver steady cash flow with income distributed to investors monthly. Ideally, a highly occupied rental property will produce a steady cash flow and consistent returns. Many owners aim for a 90% occupancy rate or higher. It is important to closely consider vacancy rates and occupancy rates for the areas in which you’re considering investments.

Commercial real estate leases are usually longer than residential leases; therefore, predicting cash flow year-over-year is easier. Because a large public corporation often guarantees commercial rents, periodic interruptions are uncommon. Getting your monthly check is sure, secure, and stable.

Unlike publicly-traded stocks, direct commercial real estate investing can provide stable cash flow in the form of rental income, often without the volatility of public investments. Adding real estate to an investment portfolio can offer the benefits of new cash flow, long-term appreciation potential, and portfolio diversification.


4 LIFESTYLE While passive income might not be the answer to all your immediate problems, it is the pathway to success and most certainly the foundation for wealth and happiness. When you are not stressed just to make enough money to pay the bills and no longer live from paycheck to paycheck, mental clarity and emotional catharsis set in. You become free from the shackles of a 9-to-5 job and begin embracing a more fulfilled life.

You are not tied to your rental property when you invest in high-quality commercial real estate. The Triple T Monster—Trash, Tenants, and Toilets—has no power over your lifestyle. Commercial real estate investors figured out long ago how to pass The Triple T Monster off to the tenant by creating a long-term lease structure that pushes all maintenance, tax, and insurance responsibility to the tenant.


5. DIVERSIFY RISK The overwhelming majority of Americans with retirement savings are invested in stocks and securities. Good financial advisors have them diversified between asset classes. However, most individuals are unaware that they can own commercial real estate in their retirement accounts and thus are not diversified into the most stable asset classes. When purchasing commercial real estate, finding the right property(ies) to invest in can provide the safety, security, and stability that you won’t find in the stock market. It can yield solid rates of returns that you can’t find in quality bonds. Commercial real estate with a net lease, a single-tenant, a long-term lease, and a lease guaranteed by investment-grade corporations can allow for peace of mind and bring diversity to your portfolio. With commercial real estate, the risk is mitigated without negatively impacting your rate of return.

Historically, investing in commercial real estate as an alternative asset has provided millions of investors with attractive risk-adjusted returns and portfolio diversification.


6. SHELTERED CAPITAL GAINS The uber-wealthy create, store and transfer wealth in commercial real estate. One of the principal reasons for this is the favorable tax consideration offered by Section 1031 of the IRS code. Often referred to as a “1031 exchange”, this section allows investors to defer paying taxes when they sell investment real estate and reinvest the proceeds from the sale in investment real estate of equal or greater value. Taxes that need to be paid on depreciation recapture, federal capital gains, state taxes, and NIIT are all deferred. If you own investment real estate and are looking to sell, you will want to become very familiar with the pending tax liability and potential strategies to defer these taxes. Effective use of a 1031 strategy allows investors to create, store, and transfer wealth tax-free. It would be best if you planned in advance to take advantage of this deferment strategy. You should always contact a 1031 exchange specialist before selling your current property.


7. ASSET APPRECIATION Real estate investments historically appreciate in value. Real estate values almost always recover as long as you can wait out a cycle. In the stock market, virtually all of your gain is realized by buying and selling at the right time. Most of your gain is captured in rents guaranteed by your corporate tenant with investment real estate. In addition to rental income, owners of quality commercial real estate also stand to benefit from the intrinsic nature of real estate value appreciation.

Appreciation is any increase in the property’s equity value over the period of ownership. Properties can also lose value, and even the most disciplined, proven investment strategies can’t guarantee gains because outside economic forces can impact a real estate investment’s value. All types of property have the potential for appreciation in asset value and profitability, from raw land to a site home to extensive apartment housing already developed.


8. TANGIBLE ASSETS One fundamental advantage to a commercial real estate investment is that hard asset back it. This class of investment differs dramatically from buying shares in a company. Companies come and go, but real estate is something tangible that investors can touch and feel. Your commercial occupants may change over time, but the property itself will not evaporate through bankruptcy or corporate restructuring.


9. PASSIVE INCOME CONSIDERATION Until 2018, US Tax Code considered all income from real estate as passive income. This is important because the owner is not required to pay Social Security or “Self Employment Tax” on the income as passive income. Last year, Congress removed the specific exclusion for real estate from the tax code. This leaves the burden of proof on the taxpayer to assert that the income derived is passive in nature. Tax experts differ on the impact this will have on small rental property investors that spend countless hours dealing with their tenants. But, most experts agree that commercial real estate investments with professional management will continue to avoid this 15% tax burden.


10. DEPRECIATION This word carries such a negative connotation, but it is a gift afforded to owners of investment real estate in the tax code. The IRS allows real estate investors to depreciate (write off) a portion of the value of their real estate every year. This tax advantage often translates into receiving 30% of your rental income free of federal, state, and local taxes. This “depreciation” is allowed even though, with proper maintenance and under good market conditions, the value of the property is actually appreciated.

If you are an experienced rental property owner who benefited from depreciation, be aware that the IRS might want some of that money back when you sell. Depreciation is one of the most significant and most advantageous deductions for real estate investors because it reduces taxable income but doesn’t reduce your cash flow–a magical tax deduction. The IRS allows real estate investors to depreciate their investment property over a period of time, 27.5 years for residential rental investments and 39 years for commercial properties, saving landlords and investors thousands of dollars in taxes every year.


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Price Reduction – 1270 McConnell Rd, Woodstock, IL Now $1,150,000 (Reduced from $1,200,000) This fully occupied 16,000 SF industrial propert...